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CIC Sustainability Strategy

Moving towards sustainability

At CIC, we are aware of the importance we must give to the way we live. This is why we make a permanent effort to achieve development that is environmentally responsible, economically viable and socially equitable.

We are learning to live better, with our environment and with the planet, and we want to invite you to advance together on this path.

Our pillars of sustainability
Growing in balance with the environment
Innovate and act to
create value
Caring for people and
Our purpose
a very powerful action, but at the same time, it is presented as an invitation to search for something more.
the people
we want to reach all people, that is, clients and non-clients, workers, families and communities, Chile and the world.
to live better
the balance necessary for well-being. This is made up of health, the environment and social well-being.
ESG lines of work
environment - growing in balance with the environment

Design of sustainable


Reduce the amount of virgin material in our products, Develop eco-design in our products and processes that allow us to incorporate more recycled material into products and their packaging, Certification of products in terms of their composition and environmental impact, Permanent evaluation of the communication of social and environmental impact, transparency and prevention of greenwashing, Participation in new market segments driven by innovation, Modernization of our operations.

environment - growing in balance with the environment

Reduce consumption
of natural resources


Reduce electricity consumption by analyzing specific consumption by area, Permanent evaluation of natural resource consumption as part of the quantification of the corporate carbon footprint, Development of projects to reduce resource consumption based on greater operational efficiency.

Governance - Innovate and act to create value

Integrating sustainability into
our business model


Implementation of the Sustainability Committee in the board of directors with monthly sessions, Definition of objectives at the corporate level and new lines of business, Implementation of objectives, KPIs and performance evaluations in sustainability by area, Implementation of the operational sustainability committee for coordination between areas, Permanent monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the B Company and ISO 14001 certification, Adherence to the sustainable development objectives at the corporate level.

Governance - Innovate and act to create value

Transition towards
the circular economy


Articulation of initiatives with the sustainability ecosystem and other companies in the industry, integrating the revaluation of materials into the business model and investment in processes that promote circularity.

social - caring for people and communities

Promote respect for human rights
and social development


Comprehensive training in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and increase awareness on human rights, Increase the percentage of workers who take the ethics course, expand the dissemination of the ethics week, Develop a sense of belonging to the organization and its purpose, integration and volunteering opportunities, Improve the well-being and quality of life of all workers and their families, Evaluate the risk of child labor in our value chain, Contribute to the transformation and equipping of social organizations by donating mattresses, beds, bedding and furniture, Strengthen the social fabric of the Villa CIC community, facilitating spaces for meeting and participation.

social - caring for people and communities

Improving health and safety


Support for workers' health,
Reduction in accident and fatality rates.

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Main programs
Impact and progress
Recycling of products
More than 9,600 beds and mattresses have been recovered from clients and public-private partnerships, disassembling them and sending their recyclable materials to certified plants.
We provide a solution for the final disposal of beds and mattresses, revaluing their materials to promote the circular economy and improve people's quality of life by reducing micro-dumps.
Circular packaging
Development of the first mattress packaging with 30% recycled plastic through partnerships to recover more than 68 tons of plastic from production processes and customers.
We partner with suppliers to research and develop solutions towards a circular economy, reducing waste from design to delivery of products to customers.
Recycling and composting
Transition to zero-waste production through efficiency, partnerships with recycling plants, composting and waste recovery.
We implemented 100% composting of wood waste at the Chillán Plant, contributing to renewing the soils of the Ñuble Region, and we achieved 90% waste recovery at the Maipú Plant through recycling, composting and energy recovery.
Measuring and reducing emissions
Quantification and annual declaration of our corporate carbon footprint through the Huella Chile Program.
We apply for emission reduction seals through projects at our Maipú and Chillán plants, focused on optimizing resources and revaluing waste.
Collaboration with social organizations
Building alliances with social actors such as Coaniquem, Casa de Misericordia, Hogar de Cristo, Villa CIC.
We seek to improve the quality of life by donating mattresses, beds, bedding and furniture to those who need it most, strengthening the social fabric by creating spaces for meeting and participation.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Program focused on training and educating workers on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Awareness of diversity and respect, with more than 53% of employees participating in related activities
Our trajectory
2017 y 2018
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2017 y 2018
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The corporate governance of Compañías CIC S.A. is organized in such a way that the objectives established by the highest governing body of the company are met, in accordance with its corporate interests and the recent incorporation of new statutes contracted as a B Company.

In its role as the highest governing body, the Board of Directors is responsible for strengthening the business model of Compañías CIC, a company with more than 111 years of experience, and ensuring the creation of sustainable value.

CIC Companies Board
Manuel Vial Claro
Chairman of the Board
Cristobal Yuraszeck
Vice Chairman of the Board
Leonidas Vial
José Yuraszeck
Carlos Vial
Objectives of the Board of Directors
Ensure the generation of value for the company, both from a financial perspective, as well as from a social and environmental perspective.
Promote an ethical business culture, focused on preventing irregularities at the management and administration level.
Provide an effective framework for transparency and responsible management through the formalization of policies and standards for decision-making.
Safeguarding the company's corporate reputation.
Ensure the greatest transparency and reliability of the financial information presented by the company.
Ensure management efficiency, continuous process improvement and regulatory compliance.
Board Committee
Create value for all shareholders in the medium and long term, also considering the social relevance of the activities to which CIC is committed.

- Chairman of the Board
-Vice President of the Board
-Directories Leonidas Vial, José Yuraszeck y Carlos Vial.
Sustainability Committee
Present the annual sustainability plan, considering the assessment of social and environmental projects for the integration of sustainability into our business model.

- Chairman of the Board
-Vice President of the Board
-General manager
-Deputy Manager of Sustainability and Clients
-Sustainability and Certifications Officer
Risk Committee
Supervision in relation to strategic risk management, with the aim of minimising the impact of identified events or risks.

-Vice President of the Board
-General manager
-Production Manager
-Administration and Finance Manager
-Corporate Controller
Audit Committee
Analyze financial statements, support financial oversight and accountability, ensure management develops reliable internal controls.

- Chairman of the Board
-Vice President of the Board
-Directories Leonidas Vial, José Yuraszeck y Carlos Vial.
-Corporate Controller
Credit Committee
Review and approve current credit lines for clients, with clearly defined metrics and considering the historical behavior of each client

- Chairman of the Board
-General manager
-Administration and Finance Manager
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End customers
Communication channels:
Physical stores, feedback channels, receiving queries via the web, social networks, etc.
Empresas clientes
Communication channels:
CIC Business Management Sales Teams and Key Accounts.
Comunidad local
Communication channels:
Direct contact with the Human Resources Management or the Sustainability and Clients Sub-Management
Communication channels:
Direct communication with the management in charge of each of the services.
Accionistas y Directorio
Communication channels:
They express themselves directly to the Chairman of the Board or the General Manager.
Communication channels:
Direct management, HR and HR management, joint committee, unions, breakfast and discussion groups.
Communication channels:
Direct contact with the Human Resources Management or the Sustainability and Clients Sub-Management
Organismos públicos
Communication channels:
Direct communication with the management in charge of the associated processes.
Learn about our Materiality Analysis process here


Quality, environment and SSO policy

Equity, diversity and inclusion policy

Code of ethics

Code of conduct for suppliers

Crime prevention model

Sustainability networks

We are a certified
B Corp

After a 3-year process of learning, collaboration and conviction, CIC achieved certification as a B Company, one of the most demanding sustainability certifications in the world.

Being a B Corporation represents our definition of success through triple impact, that is, through the balanced pursuit of economic, social and environmental objectives. This vision of our role as a company is in line with our purpose, Inspiring people to live better, representing our commitment to being an organization for the benefit of people and the planet.

4 keys that define us as a B Company
We are motivated by creating a positive impact on society and the environment.
Legal requirement
We expand the fiduciary duty of shareholders and directors to include non-financial interests
Evaluating our commitment to management and transparency standards
We are part of a community of companies with a declaration of interdependence

We are part of the Global Compact Network Chile

The largest global initiative on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, led by the United Nations. Being part of this network recognizes the commitment of our strategies and daily operations to the ten United Nations principles related to human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption.

We promote an industry that positively impacts the environment and society 🍃.

We support the 10 principles of the Global Compact
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally recognized fundamental human rights within their sphere of influence.

Principle 2: Companies must ensure that their partners and collaborators are not complicit in the violation of Human Rights.

Principle 3: Businesses should support freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

Principle 4: Businesses should support the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.

Principle 5: Businesses should support the elimination of child labour.

Principle 6: Businesses should support the abolition of discriminatory practices in employment and occupation.

Principle 7: Businesses should maintain a precautionary approach that benefits the environment.

Principle 8: Companies should encourage initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility.

Principle 9: Businesses should promote the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

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