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Climate action


#CICforClimate, our commitment to future generations

We are aware of the power that our current actions have to positively impact the quality of life of future generations.
Climate change is a reality that is transforming the way we live and it is our responsibility to commit to mitigating its effects. Climate action, in line with the Paris Agreement, seeks to limit global warming to 1.5°C by reducing emissions and ensuring a transition that addresses the social impacts of climate change.

To achieve this, at CIC we have an Integrated Management System that implements controls on our environmental aspects to prevent potential impacts, while promoting continuous improvement to increase the efficiency of our operations. To measure our impact, the main tool is our corporate carbon footprint, which considers the greenhouse gas emissions from our base and mattress plant in Maipú, our furniture plant in Chillán and our 28 stores throughout Chile.

Methodology of our Climate Action

1. Creation of a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory

Coordination of technical aspects, definition of interlocutors and updating of points of contact with the different interest groups with which the company interacts.

2. Calculation of emissions using GHG Protocol

Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard is a standard for calculating the carbon footprint that accounts for the six types of GHG gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC and SF6), with CO2 being the main one, and focuses on the accounting and reporting of emissions.

3. Independent third-party verification

GHG protocol is based on the core principles of relevance, integrity, consistency, transparency and accuracy, which enable external verification of carbon footprint and GHG emissions reporting.

4. GHG emissions reduction plan

We implement administrative and operational actions, investments in infrastructure and equipment, which allow us to achieve greater efficiency in the consumption of resources. We calculate and verify the reduction of emissions with a third party. We move forward in defining objectives that project our future actions.

1. and 2. Corporate carbon footprint


Description of our emissions inventory

Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions

Stationary combustion at Maipú Plant: consumption of liquefied gas, diesel and natural gas at Maipú plant

Stationary combustion at the Chillán plant: Liquefied gas consumption at the Chillán plant

Fugitive emissions at Maipú Plant: R410 and R22 refrigerant gas consumption at Maipú Plant

Fugitive emissions at the Chillán Plant: R410 refrigerant gas consumption at the Chillán plant

Mobile combustion at Maipú Plant: Diesel and liquefied gas consumption by vehicles at the Maipú plant

Mobile combustion at the Chillán plant: Liquefied gas consumption by vehicles at the Chillán plant

Fugitive emissions in stores: R410 refrigerant gas consumption in stores

Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions caused by imported energy

Electricity acquisition at Maipú Plant: SEN electricity consumption at Maipú plant

Electricity acquisition at Chillán Plant: SEN electricity consumption at Chillán plant

Electricity purchase in stores: SEN electricity consumption in stores

Scope 3: Other indirect GHG emissions

Goods and services acquired at the Maipú Plant: water consumption, purchase of textiles and chemicals, waste management, consumption of liquefied gas, diesel and natural gas at the Maipú Plant

Goods and services acquired at the Chillán Plant: water consumption, purchase of plastics and wood, waste management, consumption of liquefied gas at the Chillán plant

Goods and services purchased in stores: Water consumption in stores

Transportation: national and international flights, personnel transfers and product transportation

3. Independent third-party verification

The quantification of our corporate carbon footprint is carried out following the methodological guidelines of the HuellaChile Program, based on NCh ISO 14064/1:2019. The emissions inventory is verified by Núcleo Biotecnología Curauma, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, with an independent third-party verification and limited level of assurance, complying with the requirements to qualify for the HuellaChile Program seals.

Recognitions awarded to CIC by the Huella Chile Program

Learn more about the parties involved in our Carbon Footprint verification process and reduction projects

Huella Chile is the official initiative of the Government of Chile, for the management of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at an organizational level.

For The Planet is a program from the company Energy Lab that allows us to manage and reduce our carbon footprint

NBC is a center specialized in biotechnology that certifies our carbon footprint as an independent third party.

Conoce más aquí sobre el
Programa Huella Chile

Learn more about
For The Planet

Learn more about
Curauma Biotechnology Center

Learn more here about the #CICporElClima actions implemented together with For The Planet

Quantifying Corporate Carbon Footprint


Certification of emission reduction projects


4. Emissions reduction plan

According to the methodology of the Huella Chile Program, GHG emission reductions are demonstrated through the implementation of targeted mitigation actions, or in a GHG project. To this end, we prepare an annual Mitigation Report and a Mitigation Declaration using a Common Reporting Format provided by Huella Chile, which must be verified by an independent third party.
